Archive for the ‘Russia’ Category

More DPRK loggers reportedly running away

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

According to the Daily NK:

According to a former North Korean logger in Russia, instances of forestry workers running away from a “Forestry Mission” program organized by North Korea’s Forestry Ministry in the Russian Far East are increasing due to excessive salary deductions currently being imposed by the North Korean authorities.

Song Ki Bok, a 48-year old former logger who now lives in South Korea told The Daily NK on November 18th, “The Forestry Mission takes 70% of monthly salary in the name of Party funding. Who would want to work there when all the money you earn from working yourself to death is taken from you?”

Prior to 2008, North Korea took 30% of the North Koreans’ wages for “Party loyalty funds”. However, after sanctions put in place by the international community following the first North Korean nuclear test began to bite, the amount was increased to 70%.

The North Korean forestry workers do hard physical labor. Depending on the intensity of their work, they receive just $40 to $100 per month.

Therefore, once 70% is deducted as Party funds, the take-home pay of the worker is between $12 and $30. As a result, workers cannot even dream of wiring sums back to family in the North. They just deliver what cash they can gather via colleagues returning home.

Worse yet, with this kind of swingeing monthly deduction, many workers cannot even recover the bribe they had to offer Party officials in order to be sent to Russia in the first place. For example, the total amount Song ended up paying was nearly $400.

Before escaping from the forestry program, Song saw a monthly salary of $30, meaning that even if he had saved every penny he earned for a year he still would not have recouped the $400 he paid out in bribes.

In the beginning, he was buoyed by the ‘Russia Dream’. The family of a worker in a foreign country traditionally lives in better conditions than most people. Therefore, Song went to Russia in the belief that if he worked hard for three years, he could make 10 years of a North Korean working man’s salary; however, the reality was as harsh as the bitter cold of Siberia.

The Forestry Mission in Russia; Kim Jong Il’s hard currency provider

According to Song, there are 17 forestry sites in Russia which employ North Koreans. Depending on the size of the camp there are differences; however, approximately 1,500~2,000 North Koreans work at each.

The major activities of the Party Committee in each camp are surveillance and the collection of Party funds. A manager, Party secretary and an agent from each of the National Security Agency and People’s Security Ministry are assigned to each site, and 15 administrative officers below them manage operations.

The life of workers is the same as it would be if they lived in North Korea. They must partake of weekly evaluation meetings, and food is provided by distribution. They plant potatoes and wheat in cleared areas near their digs to supplement the insufficient state provisions.

If workers leave without permission, they are punished upon their return. If the crime is grave, the worker might be summoned to North Korea for reeducation.

Song commented, “Sometime people leave the camp to go hunting to earn money. They can only escape punishment by bribing the management.”

In total, the amount gathered in the name of Party funds by the North Korean authorities from each camp can exceed $140,000 per month. Calculations suggest that the annual North Korean government take from the program exceeds $25 million.

However, this harsh Party policy is driving escapes, according to Song, “Since most of their monthly salary began to be taken away as Party funds, the number of workers escaping started to increase. Just from those I know, the average has reached 30 workers per a year.”

Song, describing the harsh working conditions at the site, said, “In 2006, a wood cutter from Dukcheon in South Pyongan Province who had frostbite in both feet at work didn’t receive treatment in time. In the end, they had to cut off both his legs. His co-workers, who could not ignore the situation, raised it with the Party Committee there; however, not only was this opinion ignored, but the wood cutter was sent home with the explanation, ‘It was an accident caused by my own carelessness’.”

“The life of a forestry worker fighting against cold which can reach -40˚C in winter is unspeakably tough,” Song said. “Meanwhile, they don’t even receive a proper month’s salary, which reduces their will to work.”

“If a worker escapes, in the end he has no choice but to head to South Korea. When I think about those of my colleagues who couldn’t come to South Korea with me, it is still hard to sleep at night.”

Read more about logging camps in Russia (including satellite imagery) here and here.

Read the full story here:
Runaway Loggers on the Rise Due to Wage Cuts
Daily NK
Kang Mi Jin


Russian blog debuts DPRK PDA device

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

UPDATE: Martyn Williams writes in PC World (11/5/2010):

A new PDA (personal digital assistant) has hit stores in North Korea, according to a student who writes a blog from the secretive state.

The device, which doesn’t appear to carry any branding, has a color touchscreen display that occupies its entire front, according to photos published on the “Pyongyang Show and Tell” blog. The Russian-language blog is maintained by a Russian student who is studying in the country.

Installed software includes a Korean dictionary and translation dictionaries pairing Korean to and from Russian, English, Chinese and German, the blog report said. There are several basic utility programs and an electronic map of the country although the PDA does not feature GPS (global positioning system).

There is also no wireless networking so data transfer has to take place via a USB connection to a Windows or Linux computer. Data can also be transferred via MicroSD card, which is the same as used in domestic cell phones.

“Comparing it to modern things like, let’s say, the iPad, it’s nothing,” the blog’s author, who didn’t wish his name to be used, told IDG News Service via email. “It’s still good as a dictionary, except I don’t see any other advantages.”

It’s not the first PDA in North Korea.

In 2003 the country’s media said “Hana 21,” a PDA developed by the Samilpo Information Center, had been put on sale. The device included English-Korean and Korean-English dictionaries as its main function and also had several games and a basic word processor. Input was by pen and touchscreen.

According to published images of the Hana 21, the two devices are different.

At the time the Hana 21 was said to cost around 200 euros (US$182 at the exchange rate of the time).

The new PDA that hit stores recently costs around US$140.

“It’s still hard to buy for a Korean, but there are many people who keep their money for years and can afford it,” the student said via email.

PDAs have long been out of fashion in many countries after their features and functions were duplicated by smartphones. North Korea has a 3G cellular network, but most cell phones have only basic features.

ORIGINAL POST: Show and Tell Pyongyang introduced the world to the DPRK’s version of Linux: Red Star.  Now he has introduced us to the DPRK’s new Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

Here are pictures from the Russian web page:

According to the Russian-language web page (via Google Translate):

A few weeks ago in North Korea has started selling the first PDA. In all the computer shops you can see the advertising of the new items. [I] offer a small review of this device.

On sale are a few options. The difference between them – is the amount of internal memory and a built-in slot for the stylus. The most feature-rich [costs] $ 140 and has 8 gigs of internal memory and a slot for the stylus, so you do not accidentally lose it.

In addition, there is a slot for MicroSD memory cards – the same as in the local mobile phones.

The main function of which is worth noting (and more generally for which there is a fly sabzh), an electronic dictionary Samhyn (삼흥) with the Russian language. It is no secret that South Korea produced electronic translators, but, according to eyewitnesses, the Russian language is absent in them as fact. And in this case, Russian-Korean and Korean-Russian dictionaries most voluminous in the number of vocabulary words. Besides, there are English, Chinese and German. Also has a large Korean Wiki Grand Korean Dictionary.

So for me personally, the main value of the PDA – is an electronic dictionary, which can carry with them always and everywhere. And the rest is not so important.

So what else is there? There is a map of Korea’s system of teaching foreign languages (English, Chinese). By the way, about a month ago there was an opportunity to put maps on your mobile phone. Application free of charge and requires activation. Put it on a large computer center of the city. []

Device has access to TV, headphones and a USB-slot. Possible to connect devices to both Windows, and Linux (in this case, Red Star)

On the whole – everything is simple and works quite well. At the moment, the firmware needs some work, not all features fully implemented, but the Korean comrades promise to update and refine.

If anyone else has more information, please let me know.


Lankov on the DPRK’s nuclear history

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

According to the Korea Times:

In Oct. 2006, a nuclear test was conducted in the remote mountainous area of North Hamgyeong Province, North Korea. This test did not come completely out of the blue. The North Korean government issued an official warning, thus becoming the first nation in history that gave prior notification about a coming nuclear weapons test. This openness might sound strange since we are talking about the world’s most secretive country, but it agrees well with the general character of the North Korean nuclear program. From its inception, the program was largely (but not exclusively) for show, it was aimed at impressing the outside world in order to manipulate it and get what the North Korean leaders wanted to get.

Even though North Korea joined the nuclear club only recently, its nuclear program has long history. It has remained the center of international attention since around 1990, but it began much earlier.

It was the mid-1950s when the first North Korean scientists arrived to work and study in the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in the Soviet city of Dubna, not far from Moscow. This institution was created by the USSR or former Soviet Union for joint international research in nuclear physics, and until the early 1990s some 250 North Korean scientists underwent training there. Soon afterwards, in 1959 the former Soviet Union and North Korea signed their first agreement on cooperation in nuclear research. A similar agreement was concluded with China as well (Pyongyang never puts all its eggs in one basket!).

In the 1960s, the North Korean version of Los Alamos began to take shape. This role was assigned to the city of Yongbyon, a rather small town, located some 90 kilometers to the north of Pyongyang. It is interesting that, for reasons of greater secrecy, the nuclear research facility was called the “Yongbyon furniture factory.” The major article of infrastructure of this “furniture factory” was not a saw-mill but rather a small Soviet-designed research reactor, completed in 1965. In the 1970s, the North Korean scientists independently modernized the reactor, increasing its output.

There are few doubts that from the very early stages Pyongyang leaders seriously considered the possible military applications of their nuclear research program. But it seems that the North Korean nuclear program made a decisive turn towards military applications in the 1970s. At that time, South Korea was working hard to develop nuclear weapons of its own. For the North, which has always had good intelligence about its arch-enemy, these intentions was hardly a secret, so it seems that around 1975 the North Korean political leaders decided not to lag behind and sped up their own nuclear program.

However, the major obstacle on the path to the acquisition of nuclear weapons was the position of the former Soviet Union. Moscow took non-proliferation seriously, and did everything to control Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions (incidentally, Washington treated Seoul’s nuclear plans in much the same manner). China also did not want a nuclear power across its border, so the usual North Korean strategy of playing Beijing against Moscow would not work in this case.

The Soviets made their continuing cooperation conditional on full-scale participation in the non-proliferation regime. In exchange for compliance, North Korea was promised technical assistance in building a nuclear power station of its own. Such a station was indeed a good option for a country which heavily depended on imported oil for power generation. Thus, Pyongyang bowed to the Soviet pressure complied and in 1985 signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty while secretly continuing with its nuclear weapons development efforts.

But soon the world changed. The communist bloc that both controlled Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions and provided it with aid, collapsed around 1990. The foreign aid almost disappeared, and Pyongyang had to survive somehow in an increasingly hostile world.

The North Korean leaders came to a conclusion that in their peculiar situation the Chinese style policy of reforms would be too risky. Indeed, in a divided country, with South doing so much better than the North, attempted reforms were likely to produce German-style collapse, not Chinese-style economic boom. So, in order to keep their power and privileges the North Korean leaders had to avoid any changes in the system. It was a rational choice for them, even though this policy choice condemned hundreds of thousands to death by starvation and completely ruined the already weak economy.

Since the country was stuck with a remarkably inefficient economic system, it could not feed itself, so it badly needed foreign aid ― a lot of it. But the ruling elite, the few hundred families around the Kim’s hereditary dictatorship, also knew that the aid should come without too many conditions attached and, above all, with as little monitoring as possible. They needed food, above all, to feed the privileged and politically significant regions and social groups, leaving others to their sorry fate. Since a riot in the capital would be deadly dangerous for the regime, Pyongyang should be given some food. The police and elite military units should eat well, too, since their loyalty was vital for the stability of the regime. At the same time, the survival of, say, miners at some distant mining town was never a high priority for Pyongyang decision makers.

However, getting large-scale aid without many conditions would be a difficult, almost impossible task had not Pyongyang had in its disposal the already well advanced military nuclear program. From around 1990, the program became the major diplomatic tool which was used with the greatest skill in order to insure the continuous influx of foreign aid.

This is not to say that the nuclear program had no military significance whatsoever ― Pyongyang had some reasons to be afraid of a foreign attack. Pyongyang leaders were correct when they say privately that Hussein would probably still be living in his palace, if Iraq indeed had nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, from the early 1990s the major rationale behind the program has been not military deterrence, but rather diplomatic blackmail.

From around 1990, Pyongyang began to arrange leaks about its nuclear weapons program, while officially denying its existence. It threatened to withdrew from the non-proliferation treaty, and its officials promised to transform Seoul into a “sea of fire” if their demands would not be met.

The strategy worked. In 1994 the strangely named “Agreed Framework” treaty was signed in Geneva. An international consortium where the U.S. and South Korea were major donors, agreed to provide North Korea with light water reactors for power generation (those reactors cannot be used for production of weapon-grade plutonium) and also promised regular shipments of fuel oil. In exchange, North Korea promised to freeze its military nuclear program and accept international inspections of its nuclear facilities. It is widely believed that the U.S. negotiators were ready to give generous concessions because at that time they assumed that the North Korean regime would collapse soon. They were wrong: to the surprise of foreign observers, Kim Jong-il managed to stay in control of his starving country.

The indirect impact of the nuclear program was great as well. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, North Korea got what it needed: a lot of foreign aid without too many monitors. One can doubt whether the amount of aid would have been so large, had North Korean not been seen as a potentially nuclear country.

The so-called “second nuclear crisis” erupted in 2002 when it was discovered that North Koreans were cheating: they were secretly pursuing a uranium enrichment program. This was used as a pretext to the discontinuation of aid. After few years of unsuccessful negotiations, the North Korean diplomats decided to raise the stakes, and in October 2006 the first nuclear test was conducted. It worked: in merely few months, the U.S. agreed to make important concessions and aid was resumed. A new hike in tensions produced a new nuclear test in 2009.

So, by now the nuclear crisis has continued for two decades, and it seems that it might easily continue 25 years. The North Korean government understands that a nuclear weapon is their major diplomatic card, and they are unlikely to surrender it under any circumstances. The outside world is disunited and, frankly, lacks any means to influence Pyongyang. So, we are quite likely to see more nuclear tests (largely successful) and more nuclear negotiations (largely unsuccessful) in the years or even decades to come.

Satellite imagery recently revealed new construction at the Yongbyon facility.

Read the full story here:
North Korea conducted first nuclear test in 2006
Korea Times
Andrei Lankov


Collective farm diplomacy

Monday, October 4th, 2010

For the same reasons that President Obama has a tendency to take visiting dignitaries to my favorite hamburger restaurant in Arlington, VA, the North Koreans have designated “friendship farms” for countries the North Koreans enjoy or expect to enjoy cozy relations.  Below I have identified a few for you to check out on Google Earth.

DPRK-Iran Friendship Ripsok Cooperative Farm



Coordinates: 39°28’34.69″N, 125°29’48.92″E
This farm has been mentioned in this capacity in KCNA four times: here, here, here, and here.
Date first mentioned: May 17, 2007

DPRK-Russia Friendship Kochang Cooperative Farm



Coordinates: 38°58’3.82″N, 125°36’4.67″E
It has been mentioned in KCNA at least 26 times.  See here.
Date first mentioned:  June 23, 1999

DPRK-China Friendship Thaekam Cooperative Farm



Coordinates: 39°15’4.41″N, 125°41’53.06″E
This farm has been mentioned at least 29 times in KCNA.  See here.
Date first mentioned: June 1, 1997

I have also located friendship farms for: Laos, Poland, Cuba, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Malaysia,  Indonesia, Germany, Palestine, Cambodia, Mongolia, India, Syria, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, New Zealand, Yugoslavia, and Pakistan.

The United States does not yet have a friendship farm in the DPRK, but maybe someday it will be Osan-ri in Sunan-kuyok, Pyongyang. This is where the Fuller Center plans to launch a housing project. Their planned location and site plans are posted below.

Jimmy Carter, who founded Habitat for Humanity, has recently endorsed this project. (UPDATE: more here and here)

Thanks again to Google Earth and GeoEye.


Russia To Augment Missile Defense Along Border With North Korea

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

According to RTTN News:

Russia is to deploy its latest surface-to-air missiles along its border with North Korea as part of efforts to strengthen its missile defense system in the region, local media reported on Tuesday.

According to an unnamed Russian defense official, the deployment of S-400 Triumph missiles in the country’s Far East will help avert potential missile threats from Pyongyang.

He added that the North Korean missile programs posed a threat to neighboring territories in Russia as the test site is ‘alarmingly close’ to Russian border.

As part of the move to augment the existing system two modern missile systems will be stationed there.

Meanwhile, Moscow ‘s decision comes even as there has been an escalation in tensions between North Korea and South Korea over the sinking of a South Korean naval vessel in the Yellow Sea.

Even though Seoul blamed Pyongyang for the tragedy, the latter has remained in denial throughout.

Read the full story here:
Russia To Augment Missile Defense Along Border With North Korea


DPRK acquires new Tupolev

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Hat tip to a reader:

The Russian website Аргументы и факты reported that at a ceremony in the Russian city of Ulyanovsk on March 4th the Russian company Aviastar-CP handed over a new Tu-204-100B airplane to a delegation from Air Koryo.  Also present was a team representing the “Ilyushin Finance Leasing Company” through which the plane was handed over to the Korean airline. The report relates that, “Late at night, the aircraft took off for the flight to Pyongyang from Ulyanovsk’s Vostochnyy Airport.”  It also states that this is the second “new-generation” Russian aircraft delivered to the DPRK by Aviastar.  It is expected to operate on routes between the DPRK and Russia and Southeast Asia as well as within the DPRK.

Here is the story in Russian.

Here is the story in English via Google Translate.

Here is a photo of the first Air Koryo Tupolev that went into service on May 1, 2008.


Russia and Japan extend DPRK sanctions

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

According to the Associated Press:

Russia’s president has signed an order formally implementing U.N. Security Council-approved sanctions against North Korea.
The sanctions were passed in June by the Security Council, which includes Russia, after the country conducted a nuclear test. The sanctions are aimed at pushing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program.

To conform with the sanctions, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday ordered that all sales or imports of North Korean weapons and materials connected to them are forbidden.

It also bans weapons exports to the reclusive Communist country and bars transport of North Korean weapons through Russian territory, including its waters and airspace.

And according to Reuters:

Japan will extend sanctions against North Korea first imposed after the reclusive country tested a nuclear device and ballistic missiles in 2006, a senior official said on Tuesday.

The sanctions, previously set to expire on April 13, ban imports from North Korea and prohibit North Korean ships from calling at Japanese ports.

“Basically, I don’t see any reason for not extending (the sanctions),” Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi Hirano told a news conference.

Asked whether the government would consider shortening the duration of the sanctions to six months from one year, Hirano said it would assess the outlook for multilateral talks that seek to persuade North Korea to roll back its nuclear program.

Japan has called for Pyongyang to return to the disarmament-for-aid talks hosted by China, in addition to pressing the country to reveal the fate of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korean agents in the 1970s and 1980s.

Japan also banned exports to the country last year although the impact was seen as being small given limited trade flows.

Read the full stories here:
Russia implements North Korea sanctions
Associated Press

Japan to extend sanctions against North Korea
Chisa Fujioka


North Korean logger detained in Russian east

Friday, March 19th, 2010

According to the Associated Press (via Los Angeles Times):

The North Korean’s note, scrawled in pen, was simple: “I want to go to South Korea. Why? To find freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of life.”

The ex-logger, on the run from North Korean authorities, handed the note over to a South Korean missionary in the Russian city of Vladivostok last week in hopes it would lead to political asylum.

Just before he was to meet Thursday with the International Organization for Migrants, a team of men grabbed him, slapped handcuffs on him and drove off, rights activists in Moscow said Friday. He was spirited away to the eastern port city of Nakhokda, where he is sure to be handed back over to North Korean officials and repatriated to his communist homeland, activists said in Seoul.

Police in Vladivostok refused to comment. A senior South Korean diplomat in Vladivostok said he had no information. Officials from the U.S. consulate in Vladivostok could not be reached for comment.

The 51-year-old would be the third North Korean logger in Russia in a week to make a bid for asylum. On March 9, two other North Koreans who had fled their jobs as loggers managed to get into the South Korean consulate in Vladivostok.

Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency reported last week that two North Koreans climbed a fence, ran past the guards and entered the consulate, saying they wanted political asylum. ITAR-Tass carried a similar report.

The incidents focused attention on the precarious existence of tens of thousands of North Koreans sent by the impoverished regime to work in neighboring Russia.

Russian government figures from 2007 put the number of North Korean laborers at 32,600, most of them working in logging in the remote east.

The Rev. Peter Chung, a Seoul-based activist, said there are about 40,000 North Korean loggers in Russia, but that some 10,000 of them have fled their work sites. Some are finding work as day laborers while others are in hiding as they try to map out how to win asylum in foreign diplomatic missions.

The North Korean described the conditions as unbearable. His government took half his meager wages, while the North Korean company operating the logging camp took 35 percent. He kept just 15 percent — about $60 a month — an arrangement that rendered him “virtually a slave,” he told activists.

He eventually fled the logging camp, taking odd jobs to survive. He also became a Christian, Chung and Kim Hi-tae said, which could draw severe punishment, even execution, back home.

The successful asylum bid of two other former North Korean loggers inspired Kim to make a similar attempt, Chung said.

Previous posts on the North Korean loggers in Russia can be found hereMore here. And here. And here.

Read the full story below:
3rd North Korean logger attempts to defect in Russia, propelled by dream of ‘freedom of life’
Associated Press (via Los Angeles Times)
Kim Kwang Tae


Altai to begin supplying flour to North Korea

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

According to Itar-Tass:

The Altai Territory will supply a test batch of flour to North Korea weighing 2,000 tons. The concern Altaiskiye Melnitsy (Altai Mills) signed a corresponding contract with the foreign trade state amalgamation of North Korea, ITAR-TASS learnt at the enterprise on Tuesday.

“Further increasing of volumes of supplies will mainly depend on the export price of flour,” general director Sergei Klinov said. The currently in force railway tariff from the Altai Territory to the border with North Korea, and this is about 3,600 roubles per ton, exceeds half the cost of flour in the export price structure. In such a situation, the issue of quality may become secondary for North Korea, and it will continue buying flour in China.”

Read the full stoy here:
Altai to begin supplying flour to North Korea


DPRK seeks foreign capital through Rajin Port Development

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES)
NK Brief No.10-03-11-1

North Korea is actively looking into further development of Rajin Port by extending China’s lease on port facilities for another decade, and granting Russia 50-year rights to Rajin port facilities, as well. Li Longxi, a deputy of the National People’s Congress and head of Jilin Province’s Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, revealed to a Yonhap News reporter in Beijing on March 8, “The North gave Russia the right to use Pier 3 for 50 years, and is actively looking into extending the right to use Pier 1 granted to China in 2008 for another 10 years.”

Rajin Port has five piers, with Pier 3 being larger than Pier 1. The rights to Pier 1 were granted to the Changli Group, which specializes in the manufacture of environmental materials in Dalian. 10-year use and development rights had already been granted to this company. Deputy Li explained, “China gained rights to Pier 1 in 2008, and is now in negotiations with North Korea over extending those rights for 10 years.” Therefore, if this agreement is reached, China will have exclusive rights to the pier until 2028.

Li added, “Currently, China is in the process of constructing the facilities necessary to use the pier, and will begin to move goods through the port when construction is complete.” It appears China has invested tens of millions of Yuan into this project. Li also pointed out that by being able to use Rajin Port, Yanbian, currently lacking export avenues, will be able to transport Jilin Province’s abundant coal resources, not only through the Yellow Sea to Shanghai and other domestic cities, but to Japan and other countries in the Asia Pacific region.

On February 28, Sun Zhengcai, CCP Secretary of Jilin Province met with North Korean Kim Yong Il, head of the Korean Workers’ Party International Department, and introduced to him China’s ‘Greater Tumen Initiative’ development project. At the time, it was reported that Sun explained to Kim that Jilin provincial authorities had reached an agreement with North Korea for joint venture to construct a network of roads and basic infrastructure facilities. Jilin provincial and city officials, as well as Changchun city representatives, are involved in the project. China is focused on the Tumen river basin and Rajin Port because of their strategically valuable economic role in developing the country’s straggling northeast region.

Russia is also eyeing Rajin Port, because if the port is developed, it could serve as an outlet to export Sakhalin and Siberian crude oil and natural gas to neighboring countries. In July of last year, Russia and North Korea reached an agreement to repair the rail connection between Rajin and Hasan and to improve Rajin Port facilities, investing 1.4 billion Euros. Japanese newspaper Sankei Sinbun quoted a source within North Korea as reporting that Jang Song Thaek, Party administrative chief and brother-in-law of Kim Jong Il, had recently travelled to Rasun (Rajin + Sunbong) and declared that the area would be fully developed within the next 6 months.

The Korea Daepung International Group, serving as North Korea’s window to foreign capital, is said to have a plan to entice international investment in order to support the Tumen river development plan, and plans to develop Rasun Special City and Chongjin Port into key outlets for DPRK-PRC-Russian trade and commerce in Northeast Asia. However, the participation, and investment, of private-sector enterprises will likely depend on the success of the Rajin Port development.
