Archive for the ‘Construction’ Category

Mansu Hill Kim Il-sung statue under wraps

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

UPDATE 4 (2011-9-9): The statue appears to no longer be under wraps.  It was covered up apparently to protect it from nearby construction debris. Read more here.

UPDATE 3 (2011-6-30): According to images on display at the 2011 Pyongyang Architecture Exhibition, the Mansudae Grand Monument appears to keep its basic structure after the renovations are completed.  So this raises the question of what exactly they are doing to the statue…

Pictured above are architectural  and satellite imagery of Pyongyang’s  Mansudae area, currently under renovation.

UPDATE 2 (2011-6-8): According to the Pyongyang Times, the North Koreans are building “a monumental structure in the area in central Pyongyang where the statue of President Kim Il Sung stands”.

UPDATE 1 (2011-6-5): We have some pictures of the monument renovation:

Pictured above we can see a recent photo of the Kim Il-sung statue at the Mansudae Grand Monument.  It is covered in a white sheet (or plaster?).  There is some scaffolding around the lower half of the statue and a crane overhead.

The surrounding neighborhood is also being renovated.

ORIGINAL POST (2011-6-1):

Pictured above (Google Earth): The Kim Il-sung statue on Mansu Hill, Pyongyang

A recent visitor to the DPRK emailed me to say that the Mansudae Grand Monument has been covered up and will be closed to visitors until next March.  It appears they are renovating the national icon for Kim Il-sung’s 100th birthday next year.

I am unsure if just the Kim Il-sung statue is covered or if the entire monument is under wraps.

An undertaking this prestigious would have to be approved at “the highest level”.

Construction of the Tower of the Juche Idea was similarly shrouded in secrecy until it was unveiled to Kim Il-sung in 1982 to commemorate his 70th birthday.

Projects like this are conducted by a special division of the Mansudae Art Studio located in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang.

The Pyongyang residential neighborhood to the south of the monument is also being renovated.

If you plan on visiting the DPRK in the near future, please try and get a picture!



Some more changes in Wonsan…

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Pictured above is the Wonsan Revolutionary Museum (source here). Under the Japanese colonial government this site was the home of the Wonsan Customs Office.  A visitor posted some very helpful information:

Former Wonsan Customs Office, built in 1907 by the Japanese. This is a reconstruction – the original building was destroyed during the Korean War. It houses an exhibition about the “triumphal return” of Kim Il Sung to Korea on September 19th, 1945.

In the early 1970s, when the personality cult around the “Great Leader” reached a peak, the sites of his “triumphal return” were refurbished as “revolutionary sites”. Unfortunately, most of them had been destroyed during the Korean War or the postwar reconstruction, so the propaganda department had to put up replications. Thus, Wonsan Customs Office, the former railway station, an inn and a Japanese residence were carefully reconstructed following the original design. It is a certain irony of history that all these buildings (which had been designed and used by the Japanese) now serve as silent witnesses of Korea’s colonial past to the knowledgeable observer.

Below is a satellite picture of the facility on Google Earth taken on December 23, 2007 (39.168226°, 127.439217°):

The museum was an important part of the narrative of Kim Il-sung’s triumphant return to Korea after World War II.  It sits right next to Pier No. 2 where Kim Il Sung disembarked on September 19th, 1945.  A new monument to this pier was apparently installed in September 2008,  however, according to new satellite imagery, both the museum and the monument vanished sometime in 2009.

The above satellite picture is dated 2009-10-3.  Neither the museum nor the monument remain.

KCNA only mentions the museum once.  Here is the article dated 2002-7-15:

The Wonsan revolutionary site is the first stop in President Kim Il Sung’s triumphal return home after the country’s liberation. Located in Wonsan city, Kangwon Province, the revolutionary site consists of the Wonsan Revolutionary Museum, lodgings and former Wonsan railway station and Tongyang (Orient) Hotel, etc. In the museum there are historical materials and relics and a room where the president presided over the first meeting to carry out the three tasks of building the party, the state and the army.

At that conference room, he had a historic talk with political workers to be dispatched to local areas about the building of new Korea in September 1945.

A monument to his revolutionary activities was built at Wonsan railway station where a train used by him is preserved in the original state. There is also a monument of a poem that tells about his revolutionary exploits and noble virtues.

It will be interesting to see what they do with the space.

Wonsan military elite compound updated: (39.188339°, 127.478190°)

The picture on the left is dated 2002-11-11. The picture on the right is dated 2009-10-3.

Additionally, some of the housing units bordering the Wonsan AFB runway have been upgraded.

In a previous post I pointed out the growth of Wonsan’s markets.


12th SPA’s 4th session roundup

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

UPADTE 5 (2011-4-13): The Daily NK reports that the NorthKorean people have yet to be informed of any decisions made at the SPA:

Even though six days have passed since the end of the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA), decisions and instruments taken there have yet to be handed down to the people in local meetings.

Although the North Korean media did release the agenda of the SPA, there has been no comment on the implementation of decisions. Diverse sources also reported on the 13th that people’s unit meetings have not contained anything about the SPA.

SPA decisions are conventionally discussed in people’s unit meetings two or three days after the event and the people’s unit allocates assignments to residents according to its decisions. Of course, propaganda urging residents to carry out their assigned tasks then follows.

Whereas this year, there has been nothing. Not that people have any interest in the SPA, anyway. As one source from Yangkang Province said, “There have been no decrees on the SPA, and anyway we don’t have enough time to pay attention to it since even living is tough. We don’t have any interest in it. Can the SPA keep us alive?”

“If the SPA gave us as little as one kilogram of potatoes or corn, we would pay attention to it, but for us who must prepare meals every day we don’t pay it any attention. If something like changing of the president happened we would pay attention to it,” another source from North Hamkyung Province agreed,

Nevertheless, the SPA agenda items Chosun Central News Agency (KCNA) reported were as follows: the business of the Cabinet in 2010; the settlement of national accounts in 2010 and budget for 2011; and organizational issues.

The North Korean media also reported some personnel changes, notably the movement of Lee Myung Su from Administrative Director of the National Defense Commission to head of the People’s Safety Ministry.

UPDATE 4 (2011-4-12): Institute for Far Eastern Studies:

On April 7, 2011, the fourth session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK was held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall. At the session, Deputy Choe Yong Rim, premier of the DPRK, reported on the “Work of the DPRK Cabinet in 2010 and its tasks for 2011.”

The main tasks for this year stated by Premier Choe included increasing the production of consumer goods and realizing the goal of grain production in order to improve the standard of living for the people of North Korea. He also advised that production should be increased in all sectors of the economy while steadily pushing towards modernization of the national economy.

The Cabinet placed emphasis on last year’s achievements in the light industry and agricultural production while stressing the importance of modernizing consumer goods production and the development of science and technology as the goal of this year.

In addition, Choe highlighted, “production in all sectors of the national economy including the four pilot sectors must be increased to support the ongoing march to improve the standard of people’s living.”

Specific improvements in the four pilot sectors were mentioned, with plans to “operate all generating power equipment in full capacity while forming a system of transmission and distribution to make the most effective use of the electricity produced.” Additional focus was placed on calling for national efforts to reach the goal of electricity production through the construction of the Huichon Power Station and building other large-scale hydro and thermal power plants.

The Cabinet also stressed on diversifying trade and promised to “work towards the improvement of the DPRK’s socialist self-supporting economy by actively seeking out projects that effectively incorporate economic and technological cooperation.”

In evaluating the previous year’s accomplishments, Choe declared, “The most significant achievement in economic development was the progress made in placing national economy in line with Juche ideology.”

Other achievements mentioned were: 1) the inter-departmental structure of the metal industry was revamped and the Juche iron production system was successfully established at major metal plants as well as new alloy steel production bases; 2) large chemical industrial centers were updated to the latest technology to bring about the mass production of Juche fiber and fertilizers; 3) the coal production capacity increased and the construction of hydropower stations was completed to add to the power generating capacity. The construction of Huichon Power Station is making rapid progress for completion by 2012; and lastly 4) strong foundation was laid to bring about a huge development in the light industry and agriculture production.

Lastly, Choe praised the development in the science and technology sector for adopting CNC (computer numerical control) system in all sectors of the national economy and scientific research in IT and biotechnology.

Deputy Pak Su Gil, vice-premier and Minster of Finance presented the state budget for 2010 and 2011. He expected the state budgetary revenue to grow 7.5 percent and the expenditure is expected to grow 8.9 percent against the previous year. The state budget allocation is focused on strengthening the light and agriculture industries and improving the national economy by bringing state-of-art technologies in all sectors.

The expected state budgetary revenue is 83.9 percent of the total state budgetary revenue and local budgetary revenue is at 16.1 percent. The revenue from transaction and the profits of state-run enterprises are expected to hold 78.5 percent of the total state budgetary revenue this year and the profits of cooperative organizations, the fixed asset depreciation, the income from real estate rent and social insurance are expected to rise 3.8 percent, 1.4 percent, 0.7 percent and 0.4 percent respectively as compared with those of last year.

The current year’s plan for state budgetary expenditure is expected to show an 8.9 percent increase over last year. The budgetary allocation for the light industry is expected to climb 12.9 percent and a large amount is also expected to be distributed to the local industry.

The budgetary expenditure by category compared to the previous year is as follows: 1) 9 percent more funds will go into agriculture; 2) funds needed for farming will be provided on a priority basis and the expenditure for the basic industries of the national economy is expected to go up 13.5 percent; 3) the financial allocation for the capital construction will go up 15.1 percent; 4) 10.1 percent increase will be made for scientific and technological development.

Especially in the science and technology sector, emphasis is being placed on fulfilling the five-year plan of modernizing and building an economic power and successful implementation of CNC system.

Lastly, 15.8 percent of the total expenditure is expected to be spent on national defense.

UPDATE 3 (2011-4-10): News is trickling out about the 12th SPA’s 4th session.  I will keep adding stories below as they roll in:

Yonhap: N. Korea ups budget for construction projects this year

North Korea’s parliament dramatically increased a budget for major construction projects as Pyongyang prepares to throw a massive celebration next year, Seoul said Friday.

North Korea has vowed to achieve its goal of becoming a “great, prosperous and powerful country” by 2012, the centennial of the birth of its late founder Kim Il-sung, father of current leader Kim Jong-il.

The legislature endorsed 567 billion (North Korean) won (US$5.73 billion) for this year’s total budget in a session on Thursday, according to the Unification Ministry, which handles inter-Korean affairs in Seoul.

The budget for construction projects jumped by 15.1 percent from last year as the North plans to build 100,000 houses in Pyongyang and a massive power plant in the country’s northwest region, said the ministry.

The North also earmarked 15.8 percent of the total state budget for national defense this year as it did last year, said the ministry.

North Korean Premier Choe Yong-rim vowed to strengthen military capabilities, improve economy and increase grain production amid the country’s chronic food shortages.

The cabinet “will make sustained great efforts for the provision of materials needed for boosting the combat capability of the People’s Army and the defense capability of the country in every way,” Choe said at the session.

Last year, the North recorded a fiscal surplus of 7.3 billion (North Korean) won, said the ministry.

North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency also reported on the country’s spending and budget, though it didn’t give any monetary figures.

Daily NK: North Korea’s Rubber Stamp Parliament Explained

The 4th meeting of the 12th session of North Korea’s Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) will convene at Mansudae Assembly Hall in Pyongyang today.

The official North Korean translation of Article 87 of the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea proclaims, “The Supreme People’s Assembly is the highest organ of State power in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

SPA delegates are elected every five years (every four years until 1992), while meetings are normally convened once a year; however, there were two meetings during 2010, which is why today’s gathering will actually be the 4th of the 12th session, which began in 2009.

However, the SPA is by no means as important as the constitution claims; instead, it is a political show. As soon as one takes a look at the delegates, their selection method and the SPA’s practical role, it becomes clear that it is a symbolic organ with no practical function.

Let’s look in more detail at the SPA via a brief Q&A.

– What are the principle tasks of the Supreme People’s Assembly?

The role of the Supreme People’s Assembly prescribed in North Korea’s constitution is no different from that of South Korea’s National Assembly. The Supreme People’s Assembly is the highest sovereign organization and legislative organ which has the authority to adopt and revise the constitution and laws of the land. In addition, it establishes the basic principles of internal and external policy and manages the personnel matters of state apparatus. During annual meetings, the results of the previous year’s budget and the budget for the coming year are at the top of the agenda.

However, general matters of government administration are decided by the Chosun Workers’ Party; the SPA is a propaganda organization aimed at the people. The SPA simply approves the policy of the Chosun Workers’ Party as the representative of the North Korean people.

– Who are the SPA delegates?

A delegate is not a full time politician, unlike a member of the South Korean National Assembly, and they come from every region and sector of society, including a small number of workers, farmers and soldiers. They are selected to justify calling the SPA the representative of the people, but are expected to nod through Party decisions without meaningful debate.

Candidates become delegates after being recommended by their local Party, which is led by the Central Committee in Pyongyang. There is a screening committee for delegates but it does not reject them. Delegates are always elected with implausible majorities.

The period of a delegate is five years, but since the 687 delegates tend to stay in post, the term does not have much meaning. North Korea held a delegates’ election for the 12th session of the SPA on March 8th, 2009, electing a total of 687 members. Kim Jong Il is a delegate, as reflected in his official title, ‘Kim Jong Il, 333rd Election Precinct and General Secretary of the Chosun Workers’ Party, Chairman of the National Defense Commission’, although he doesn’t always attend meetings. Rumor has it that Kim Jong Eun is a delegate under an assumed name, but that has not been proven.

– In that case, what kind of organ is the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly?

The Standing Committee and departmental committees are branches of the SPA. When the SPA is not in session (meaning most of the time), the Standing Committee operates as the state’s highest sovereign organization. The chair of the Standing Committee is also the head of state according to the constitution, but the chairman of the National Defense Commission, currently Kim Jong Il, leads all government administration in practice. The chair of the Standing Committee is Kim Young Nam, who frequently receives foreign visitors and operates as one of the regime’s more prominent public faces.

– What privileges accrue to SPA delegates?

The practical role of a delegate is almost non-existent, but there are some perks. Delegates get priority use of transportation and are immune from prosecution unless expressly stripped of that right by the Party Central Committee. National Assembly lawmakers in South Korea have similar privileges, of course. Notably, SPA delegates do not receive priority food distribution.

Even though the SPA is North Korea’s highest sovereign organization, delegates are not envied by ordinary North Koreans. Since the Supreme People’s Assembly does not have the authority to influence people’s lives, those people accord them little interest.

One North Korean defector commented, “Delegates are usually factory managers or similar, so people are only really envious of his job, in which he can make a lot of money, than in his work as a delegate.” Being a delegate does not directly improve a person’s economic status.

And more here from the Pyongyang Times.

UPDATE 2 (2011-4-7): Below is the first round of media stories about the SPA’s 4th session.

KCNA: DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly Meets

The Fourth Session of the 12th Supreme People′s Assembly of the DPRK was held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Thursday.

Present there were deputies to the SPA.

Also attending it as observers were officials of party, armed forces and power organs, public organizations, ministries and national institutions and those in the fields of science, education, culture and arts, public health and media.

The Session discussed the following agenda items:

On the work of the DPRK Cabinet in Juche 99 (2010) and its tasks for Juche 100 (2011)

On the results of the implementation of the DPRK state budget for Juche 99 (2010) and its state budget for Juche 100 (2011)

Organizational matter

Deputy Choe Yong Rim, premier of the DPRK, made a report on the first agenda item.

He said that last year witnessed the signal advance in making the national economy Juche-oriented and the solid foundation for a drastic turn in developing the light industry and agricultural production. Big successes were made in development of science and technology, cultural construction and other fields, he noted.

He referred to the concrete tasks for this year, stressing the need to remarkably increase the production of consumer goods and attain the goal of grain production without fail to bring about decisive turn in improving the standard of people′s living. Production should be increased in the economic field as a whole while steadily pushing ahead with the drive to put the national economy on a modern basis, he added.

Deputy Pak Su Gil, vice-premier and minister of Finance, made a report on the second agenda item.

He noted that last year′s state budget revenue was overfulfilled 1.3 percent and the state budgetary expenditure was implemented at 99.9 percent. The revenue increased 7.7 percent while the expenditure swelled 8.2 percent over the previous year, he said, adding:

The state budgetary allocations for light industry and agriculture last year showed 10.9 percent and 9.4 percent increase respectively as compared with that in the previous year. The state budgetary expenditure for the pilot domains of the national economy, basic industrial domains and capital construction last year went up 8 percent and 12.9 percent respectively over the previous year.

8.1 percent greater financial disbursement than the previous year was made for the field of science and technology and 6 percent bigger fund than that in the previous year was spent for the implementation of the popular policies.

15.8 percent of the total state budgetary expenditure was spent for national defence last year.

He further said:

This year the state budgetary revenue is expected to grow 7.5 percent over last year′s and the state budgetary expenditure is expected to show an 8.9 percent increase over last year. Huge funds will go to the light industry, agriculture, etc. and 15.8 percent of the total state budgetary expenditure will be spent for national defence.

Speakers at the Session pointed out that the Cabinet′s work last year and the implementation of the state budget were properly reviewed and summed up. This year′s tasks have been clearly laid down and the state budget correctly shaped in such a way as to give full play to the advantages of the socialist system in the DPRK, they said, expressing full support and approval of them.

They also manifested their will to push ahead with the general offensive for bringing about a decisive turn in building a thriving nation by increasing the political and military power of the country in every way and intensifying the drive for great surge for improving the standard of people′s living.

The Session adopted with the unanimous approval of deputies the SPA decision “On approving the report on the work of the DPRK Cabinet and the results of the implementation of the DPRK state budget for Juche 99 (2010)” and the DPRK SPA ordinance “On the DPRK state budget for Juche 100 (2011) “.

Then the Session discussed the organizational matter.

Deputy Jon Pyong Ho was recalled from member of the DPRK National Defence Commission due to the transfer to other post and Deputy Pak To Chun was elected to fill the vacancy.

Deputy Ri Myong Su was appointed as minister of People′s Security of the DPRK NDC.

Deputy Jang Pyong Gyu was elected chairman of the SPA Legislation Committee to fill the vacancy.

Deputy Ri Thae Nam was relieved of vice-premier of the Cabinet for his health reason.

KCNA: Report on the work of the DPRK Cabinet last year and for this year:

Deputy Choe Yong Rim, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, made a report on its work last year and its tasks for this year at the Fourth Session of the 12th Supreme People′s Assembly of the DPRK held Thursday.

He said that the most important achievement gained in the nation′s economic development last year was that signal progress was made in putting the national economy on a Juche-basis.

The inter-departmental structure of the metal industry was refurbished with the new one. The Juche iron production system was successfully established at major metal plants and new alloy steel production bases sprang up.

Large chemical industrial centres were updated on the basis of the latest science and technology to bring about the mass-production of Juche fiber and Juche fertilizers, signal events.

The coal production capacity increased in the field of coal industry. The construction of hydropower stations was completed to create huge additional generating capacity in the field of power industry. The construction of the Huichon Power Station made unprecedentedly rapid progress, opening a bright prospect for completing it by 2012.

It was another signal success made in the development of the national economy last year that a solid foundation was laid to bring about a radical turn in the development of light industry and the agricultural production.

Spectacular successes were made in the development of science and technology last year and the work to put all sectors of the national economy on a CNC basis made dynamic progress.

Scientists and technicians succeeded in the nuclear fusion, stunning the world. Products based on cutting-edge technology were developed and big progress was made in the development of bio-engineering.

The reporter said that this year the DPRK Cabinet would significantly boost the production of consumer goods and attain the target of grain production without fail and thus bring about a decisive turn in improving the standard of people′s living and continue energetically pushing forward the updating of the national economy while forcefully waging the drive for increased production in all economic sectors.

He went on:

The Cabinet will make this year a year in which light industry will advance in full gear and the people will benefit from it and, at the same time, dynamically push ahead with the work to put the production of consumer goods on a modern and scientific basis.

It will focus all efforts on attaining the target of grain production by bringing about signal innovations in farming with the whole party, country and army and all the people involved.

It will thoroughly establish a food production system of agricultural production and stock breeding and that of fruit farming and stock breeding and reenergize the production at the modern stock breeding and fruit production centers in a bid to simultaneously boost the production of livestock products, fruits and grain. It will make sure that a turn is effected in the development of fruit farming, in particular, this year.

The Cabinet will see to it that the material and technical foundation will be consolidated in the fishery domain to conduct deep-sea fishing, small-scale fishing and shallow-sea culture in a big way and put fish farming on a scientific and intensive basis to produce and supply greater quantities of aquatic products and processed fishes and seafood to the people.

It will improve and strengthen the service to the people to fully meet their need and provide better convenience in their lives.

It will decisively increase the production in all sectors of the national economy including the four pilot sectors in an effort to give strong spurs to the ongoing march for a signal improvement in the standard of people′s living.

The Cabinet will make sure that the coal production will be radically boosted in the field of coal industry while the coal production capacity will be increased under a long-term plan.

It will see to it that the field of power industry will operate all generating equipment in full capacity while rationally forming a system of transmission and distribution to make the most effective use of the electricity produced.

It will accelerate the building of large-scale hydro and thermal power plants while focusing sustained state efforts on the construction of the Huichon Power Station in a bid to provide a sure guarantee for hitting the target of electricity production.

The Cabinet will make sure that the field of metal industry will consolidate and develop the Juche-oriented iron production system and method. It will see to it that the introduction of heavy duty rails and the modernization of railways will be accelerated and transport capacity boosted in the field of railway transport to satisfactorily ease the strain on transport.

It will make sure that the field of mining industry will keep production going at a high rate and dynamically push forward updating while laying a foundation for ensuring a more satisfactory production and supply of nonferrous metal products under a long-term plan.

The field of machine-building industry will energetically step up the work to put machine plants on a CNC basis, ensure a satisfactory production and supply of generating equipment and machines and equipment necessary for the modernization of the national economy. The field of electronics industry will boost the production of varieties of electronic elements and products and the IT field would contribute to putting the national economy on an IT basis.

The field of construction will dynamically push forward the construction of important projects including the Hungnam gasification project, Tanchon Port, the sacred site of Thaekwon-Do and the building of 100 000 flats in Pyongyang so as to complete them at the earliest possible date.

The fields of land administration and urban management will radically change the appearance of the country as befitting a thriving nation and provide better living conditions and environment to the people.

The field of scientific research will radically develop such core basic technologies and cutting-edge science and technology including IT and bio-engineering and satisfactorily settle scientific and technological issues arising in building an economic power.

The Cabinet will see to it that foreign trade will be diverse and multi-faceted to decisively increase the volume of export.

The Cabinet will conduct a positive work for making an effective use of levers for economic and technological cooperation in the direction of consolidating the foundation of the DPRK′s socialist self-supporting economy.

It will make sustained great efforts for the provision of materials needed for boosting the combat capability of the People′s Army and the defence capability of the country in every way and the development of the field of socialist cultural construction.

The reporter called on everybody to work hard to emerge honorable victors in the general offensive this year to significantly greet the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung, united close around the Central Committee of the Workers′ Party of Korea headed by leader Kim Jong Il.

KCNA: Report on the implementation of state budget for 2010 and state budget for 2011

Deputy Pak Su Gil, vice-premier and minister of Finance, delivered a report on the results of the implementation of the DPRK state budget for last year and its state budget for this year at the Fourth Session of the 12th Supreme People′s Assembly held on Thursday.

According to the report, last year′s state budgetary revenue was overfulfilled 1.3 percent and its plan for state budgetary expenditure was carried out at 99.9 percent.

The state budgetary allocations for light industry and agriculture last year showed a 10.9 percent and 9.4 percent increase respectively as compared with that in the previous year. The state budgetary expenditure for the pilot domains of national economy, basic industrial domains and capital construction last year went up 8 percent and 12.9 percent respectively over the previous year.

8.1 percent greater financial disbursement than the previous year was made for the field of science and technology and 6 percent bigger fund than that in the previous year was spent for the implementation of the popular policies.

15.8 percent of the total state budgetary expenditure was spent for national defence last year.

The state budget for this year has been shaped in such a way as to radically boost the light industry and agricultural production, revitalize the overall economic construction and conduct a dynamic drive to break through the latest science and technology in all fields to lay a solid foundation for an economic power.

This year′s plan for state budgetary revenue is expected to grow 7.5 percent over last year′s.

The national budgetary revenue is expected to hold 83.9 percent of the total state budgetary revenue and local budgetary revenue 16.1 percent.

The revenue from transaction and the profits of state-run enterprises are expected to hold 78.5 percent of the total state budgetary revenue this year and the profits of cooperative organizations, the fixed asset depreciation, the income from real estate rent and social insurance are expected to swell 3.8 percent, 1.4 percent, 0.7 percent and 0.4 percent respectively as compared with those last year.

This year′s plan for state budgetary expenditure is expected to show an 8.9 percent increase over last year. The budgetary allocation for the light industry is expected to go up 12.9 percent and a huge budgetary disbursement will be made for local industry, too.

9 percent more funds than last year will go to agriculture, funds needed for farming will be provided on a priority basis and the expenditure for the pilot domains and basic industries of the national economy is expected to go up 13.5 percent over last year.

The financial allocation for the capital construction will go up 15.1 percent over last year to hasten the construction of important objects and complete them at the earliest possible date. 10.1 percent bigger financial allocation than last year will be made for scientific and technological development in order to fulfill the five-year plan for state scientific and technological development, positively push forward the work for putting industrial domains on a modern and CNC basis and successfully solve scientific and technical issues arising in the building of an economic power.

Huge funds will go to the cultural construction and land improvement and city management.

15.8 percent of the total state budgetary expenditure is expected to be spent for national defence for this year.

A large amount of educational aid fund and stipends will be sent for the children of Koreans in Japan this year, too.

For the successful fulfillment of the state budget for this year it is necessary for all domains and units of the national economy to give full play to the mental power of the producer masses, economize manpower, materials and funds and cut down as much as possible nonproductive expenditure and thus carry out the monthly and quarterly plans for budgetary revenue without fail, the reporter stressed.

The absense of Kim Jong-un is fomenting speculation.  See here, here, herehere, and here.

Michael Madden offers information on the individuals mentioned above.

UPDATE 1 (4/1/2011): The Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES) issues the following information (NK Brief No 11-03-30):

On March 15, the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) announced that the 4th Session of North Korea’s 12th SPA will convene on April 7 in Pyongyang, ordering all the SPA members to pre-register from April 5 to 6.

The SPA is the highest organ of state power according to the Constitution of the DPRK. The Assembly is convened once or twice a year in regular sessions and called to meet in two to three weeks in advance. Its functions include adopting, amending or supplementing enactments to the constitution, determining state policy and budgets, and organizing elections of National Defence Commission (NDC) and other state organs.

Although the KCNA did not report on the specific agenda for the session, it is most likely to resemble the other regular sessions of the SPA, consisting of discussions of the final budget from last year as well as the budget for this year; organizational and personnel issues; and the direction of economic policy. In addition, organizational and personnel changes within the Cabinet and the NDC will likely be on the top agenda.

Particular attention is drawn to whether the heir-apparent Kim Jong Un will be appointed as the vice chairman of the NDC at this session to add to his new title of vice chairman of the Party’s Central Military Commission, which he received earned last year. Another point of interest is on who will replace Ju Sang Sung, who was suddenly dismissed from his post as the Minister of People’s Security. The personnel changes made at the session will play an important role in cementing the succession process of Kim Jong Un.

At the first session of the 12th Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly held in April 2009, the Constitution was amended to name the NDC chairman as the “highest leader”, further strengthening the power of the Commission and Kim Jong Il.

Additionally, the second session of the 12th SPA was held on April 9, 2010 followed by the third session which was held on June 7, 2010.

ORIGINAL POST (3/22/2011): According to KCNA:

The fourth session of the 12th SPA of the DPRK will be held in Pyongyang on April 7, Juche 100 (2011).

The Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK made public a decision on it on Tuesday.

According to the AFP:

Pyongyang usually convenes its rubber-stamp parliament twice a year for a day or two to pass government budgets and approve personnel changes.

Attention is focused on whether Kim Jong-Un, leader Kim Jong-Il’s youngest son and heir apparent, will be promoted to become one of the vice-chairmen of the powerful National Defence Commission (NDC).

Jong-Un, believed aged 27, was made a four-star general in September and appointed as one of vice-chairmen of the party Central Military Commission, which oversees the 1.2 million-strong armed forces headed by his father.

“It is interesting to see whether the son becomes an NDC vice-chairman or even the first NDC vice-chairman,” Professor Yang Moo-Jin, of the University of North Korean Studies, told AFP.

“It will give us an indication as to where the North stands in its efforts to endow him with power and authority needed to become an eventual successor,” Yang said.

If Jong-Un emerges as the NDC first vice-chairman, he is likely to be given the same title in the Central Military Commission sooner or later, Yang added.

“This will pave the way for the son’s eventual ascension to the throne,” he said.

North Korea’s 2009 constitution says the NDC chairman, currently the senior Kim, is “the highest leader” of the communist state.

The need for new appointments has become acute after the death of the first NDC vice-chairman, Vice Marshall Jo Myong-Rok, in November last year, and the sudden dismissal of the North’s police chief, Ju Sang Song.

According to the Choson Ilbo:

The rubberstamp parliament […] approves senior members of the National Defense Commission, the top decision-making body, and the Cabinet.

Kim Jong-un has already been appointed vice chairman of the commission, and the SPA is expected to approve the appointment.

“Kim Jong-un will need the title if he is to visit China as his father’s heir and meet Xi Jinping,” who is widely tipped as the next Chinese president, a Unification Ministry official speculated.

Below is past information on the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly:

Elections were held in March 2009.  See here, here, here.

12th SPA’s First Session (April 9th, 2009):  KCNA and here.

12th SPA’s Second Session (April 9th, 2010): KCNA 1,KCNA 2,  here, and here.

12th SPA’s Third Session (June 7th, 2010): KCNA 1KCNA 2KCNA 3KCNA 4KCNA 5KCNA 6KCNA 7KCNA 8, here, here, and here.


Korea General Corporation for External Construction

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

UPDATE: Lots of great information in the comments.

ORIGINAL POST: According to Naenara (Link won’t work from South Korea):

The Korea General Corporation for External Construction (GENCO) is a professional enterprise for overseas construction.

GENCO has gained a good reputation from many countries around the world as a credible constructor with a long history of 50 years since its inauguration in January 1961.

It has scores of affiliated building enterprises involving a number of designers, building operators and skilled workers as well as foreign languages and other experts.

GENCO has built lots of dwellings and public establishments in Kuwait, and recently completed the 64-storied Al-Fardan Tower, an ordered project, in a short span of time in Qatar.

GENCO is looking forward to contracts for construction projects such as dwelling houses, public buildings, metros, tunnels, bridges, airports, harbours and stadiums in different countries in diverse forms such as the whole construction work and dispatch of skilled workers.

I had assumed that all overseas constructions projects were under the auspices of the Mansudae Overseas Development Group (MODG), but it appears that there is a rival firm picking up construction contracts.  This would not be surprising since the DPRK often duplicates functions so that the leadership is not reliant on a singe source of information and revenue–plus a little competition between agencies offers the employees an incentive to increase profits which they can remit back to Pyongyang.  It could also be the case that th GENCO and MODG have split the market.  MODG sticks to monuments and GENCO sticks to more traditional construction projects.

Pictured below is a Google Earth image of the Al Fardan Towers in Doha, Qatar (25.320952°, 51.529404°):

I am not sure to what extent GENCO was involved in the project. They claim to have built one of the towers, but I find it hard to believe that they built the whole thing lock, stock, and barrel since it would be impossible to develop the necessary skills in the DPRK. Additionally, there are no comparable buildings in the DPRK.  In all liklihood, GENCO is a company that simply provides construction workers who are low cost and travel from job to job remitting their hard currency earnings back to the DPRK.

Here are some, though not all, previous posts about other construction projects by MODG or GENCO.  Although I have not published it, I have an extensive list of these projects on Google Earth.

If a reader is aware of GENCO’s construction projects in Kuwait, please let me know.


Friday Fun: Socialist haircut, CNC award, and some culture

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Socialist Haircut: Steve Gong has become the first non-North Korean (of whom I am aware) to receive one of the DPRK’s tradmark “socialist haircuts“:

Kim Il-sung Prize: The CNC Instrument Automatic Streamline is the 2011 winner of the prestigious Kim Il-sung prize.


According to KCNA:

Kim Il Sung Prize was awarded to the CNC instrument automatic streamline, according to a decree of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People′s Assembly issued Wednesday.

The streamline was newly developed by workers of the Unsan Instrument Factory and technicians of the Ryonha Machine Management Bureau.

Maybe the CNC machine will use the award funds to take the workers out to dinner!

You can learn more about the DPRK’s CNC campaign here.

Previous non-human award winners include: Arirang and the “light comedy,” Echo of Mountain [sic].

Some Culture: Suhang Pavilion, Jongsong Worker’s District (종성로동자구: 42°45’47.78″N, 129°47’40.13″E)

According to KCNA:

Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) — Suhang Pavilion which is located in Jongsong workers’ district in Onsong County, North Hamgyong Province, DPRK is valuable architectural heritage permeated with the wisdom and patriotism of the Koreans.

The pavilion is the only three-storied wooden building of loft-form in Korea. It was built as the general’s terrace of the walled town against foreign invaders in the early days of Ri Dynasty.

It is about 14.8 meters high. It dwindles from down to top to give a safe feeling. It, with hip-saddle roof and single eaves with plain pillar supporting device, has pillars arranged in a peculiar way.

The pavilion was used as frontier guard post at ordinary times and as commanding post of battle in a contingency.

It was called Roechon Pavilion at first. Later it was renamed Suhang Pavilion in the meaning that Koreans beat back foreign invaders and captured their boss to bring him to his knees there in 1608. The present building was rebuilt in the latter part of Ri Dynasty.

Today the pavilion, which was repaired as it was after the liberation of the country, serves as a cultural recreation place of the working people.


KPA in charge of fulfilling 2012 Pyongyang construction

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

According to the Joongang Daily:

North Korea’s leadership wants “renovations” of its capital city of Pyongyang, a South Korean government source said yesterday, and much of the so-called renovations will reflect the rising power of the military.

The source said that leader Kim Jong-il and heir-apparent Kim Jong-un had given orders to hand the Ministry of Capital City Construction Development over to the military.

The source also said military men took over key positions in the ministry.

The modernization of the capital is a long-term project that began in 2001. The Ministry of Capital City Construction Development was included in the cabinet in that year.

In 2006, Kim Jong-il’s brother-in-law Jang Song-thaek, often called the second-most powerful man in North Korea, took charge of the ministry.

It is unclear, however, whether Jang will continue to head the ministry after the military takes over.

The change is being seen as part of North Korea’s often stated goal of becoming a “strong and prosperous country” by 2012.

That will also include improving Pyongyang and the economy as a whole, with the military controlling much of the activity.

Temporary youth brigades were mobilized last September to help with construction throughout the country. They were assigned to military brigades as regular soldiers.

North Korea analysts have said that the change in the ministry was for “mobilization and stronger control.”

“North Korea has recently stopped calling laborers and farmers the ‘leaders of the revolution,’ and said the soldiers are,” said Jung Chang-hyun, a professor of North Korean studies at Kookmin University in Seoul.

“Assigning civilian groups to the military means that the leadership aims to mobilize the people and gain effective control to create a strong and prosperous country by next year,” Jung added.

Kim Jong-il said in October 1996, during a speech honoring the 50th anniversary of Kim Il Sung University: “Only the military can be trusted.”

Kim’s reliance on the military and the mobilization of civilians into the military reflects his songun, or “military-first,” ideology.

The moves also aim to solidify Kim Jong-un as the next leader of North Korea, with his name on the orders along with his father’s. If the projects improve people’s lives, the positive results can be attributed to Kim Jong-un, said Lee Jo-won, professor of political science at Chung-Ang University in Seoul.

The number of facilities in Pyongyang that have been renovated over the past 10 years are too numerous to mention here.  Most showcase factories, schools, theaters and restaurants have been renovated.  Some more than once.

Additionally, the North Korean government has sought to boost the quantity of housing in the city.  A high-profile project near the Potonggang Gate has already been completed, and labor units are busy trying to complete 100,000 new housing units by next February.

Here are previous posts on: Real estate and Construction.

Read the full story below:
Kims want to ‘renovate’ Pyongyang for people
Joongang Daily
Jeong Yong-soo


Friday Fun: where KJI watches football–and recovers from adverse health events

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Back in the autumn of 2008 the North-Korea-watching-world was abuzz with speculation about Kim Jong-il’s health since he had vanished from public view in August (see more here). Fueling the speculation, Kim Jong-il missed the country’s 60th anniversary celebrations in September–which everyone expected him to attend (read more here). KJI marked his return to “public life” on October 4th of that year when he attended a student football match (read more here).  According to KCNA:

Pyongyang, October 4 (KCNA) — General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed a student football match on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Kim Il Sung University, the highest institution of Juche-based education and science.

There was the football match between teams of Kim Il Sung University and Pyongyang University of Railways that day, at which the former beat the latter 4-1.

KCNA released several pictures of the match, but I post the most important below along with a satellite image of the location from Google Earth:

In both Google Earth images I have marked off the respective image locations using red arrows.  The top images are the most convincing: The fence, the covering, the field, and hilltop in the background are all spot-on matches .  There is a viewing stand as well (shown in the bottom pictures).  The other official photos, which I did not post, match the satellite imagery as well. You can see them all in the original KCTV broadcast on YouTube.

Just to be safe, I checked out the football fields at Kim Il-sung University and the Pyonyang University of Railroads and neither come close to matching the photographs:

I also checked the hundreds of football fields that I have tagged on my Google Earth file.  None of those match either.

So I think it is fair to say that Kim Jong-il watched the football match from his home in the Kangdong compound (39.200045°, 126.020564°) and this is where he recovered from his surgery, or stroke, or whatever befell him, in the fall of 2008.  Or maybe this is just what they want us to think and he was actually in Wonsan or Hamhung?  It is also worth noting that this compound received a new helipad sometime between March 6, 2004 and December 17, 2006 (39.204600°, 126.014662°).


Pyongyang 1946 and today

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

I recently came across this map of Pyongyang printed in 1946:

Click map to see full size version

According to the map, it is “For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only.  Not for sale or distribution”.

I thought it would be fun to add the map to Google Earth so I could compare the pre-Korean War city infrastructure with what we see today.  Some interesting information emerges:

1. The Omura Silk Mill is now the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Silk Mill. Satellite image here.

2. The Kanegajuchi Spinning Mill is now the Pyongyang Textile Mill.  Satellite image here.

3. Fuji Iron Works is now the Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory. Satellite image here.

4. What was the Pyongyang Airport is now Taedonggang-district in East Pyongyang.

5. Much of what we call the  “Forbidden City” (Korean Workers Party Offices) were military barracks.

6. The former Pyongyang Medical College is now … the Kim Il-sung University College of Medicine. Satellite image here.

7. The Supreme People’s Assembly sits on the grounds of the former Pyongyang Women’s Prison.

8. The Namsan School was torn down and is now either the Organization and Guidance Department (according to one defector) or the Democratic Women’s Union Hall. Satellite image below:

I also might have discovered several Japanese colonial-era prisons that may very well still be prisons and/or factories. According to the map, this was the shape of the Pyonysang (Heijo) Prison:

There are a handful of buildings in the DPRK which still retain this distinctive shape (or the obvious remnants of this shape)—as well as walls and guard towers.  They are in Phyongsong, Hamhung, and Sariwon:

I have made the 1946 map available as a Google Earth download. You can obtain the KMZ file by clicking here. Please let me know if you make any interesting discoveries of your own.

By coincidence, Andrei Lankov wrote an article about the history of Pyongyang last week in the Korea Times (as I was comparing the maps). According to the article:

Pyongyang enjoyed boom in colonial era
Korea Times
Andrei Lankov

This city is long gone. No, it is still on the maps, and all our readers know its name ― Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

But the Pyongyang of the Kims’ dynasty does not have much to do with the old city, wiped out in the social turmoil of the late 1940s and inferno of the American bombing of the early 1950s.

People who nowadays inhabit the North Korean capital, are overwhelmingly newcomers, and not much physical evidence is left from the city past.

It was once a capital of Goguryeo, one of the three ancient kingdoms which fought over the domination of the Korean Peninsula in the first centuries of the Christian era. Pyongyang remained important for centuries. During the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910) it was the second or third largest city in the entire country.

The city remained surrounded by the stone walls which by the 1890s had been in a state of disrepair for a long time (they had lost any military significance since a much earlier date, one has to admit). The majestic Taedong Gate, facing the river, was seen as a masterpiece of traditional architecture.

Throughout the colonial period, the city’s population increased from 40,000 around 1910 to 285,000 in 1940. It was roughly one third of the then size of Seoul, but this still made Pyongyang one of the largest cities in the nation.

As was the case with nearly all major cities of both the to-be North and to-be South, the railway was instrumental in Pyongyang’s growth.

Pyongyang was located straight on the Busan-Seoul-Sinuiju line, built in the early 1900s. This line became a backbone of the country’s transportation network, and old cities which were bypassed by this railway, eventually went into decline. Pyongyang was lucky to avoid such a fate.

Nowadays Pyongyang Station is located close to the center of the North Korean capital. However, in the early 1900s it was located some distance away from the old walled city, so the space between the station and walls became a new part of Pyongyang, with rectangular grid of streets and the numerous houses of the Japanese settlers who comprised about 13 percent of the city population in 1945.

The army barracks and a large military area appeared near the station as well. Meanwhile, the Koreans were left within the space once occupied by the old walled city.

The fast growth of the city made public transportation necessary, and indeed in May 1923 a tram service ― or “streetcars” as Americans would say ― was introduced, to remain in operation until the autumn of 1950 (the present-day tram system was built anew in the early 1990s, and has no continuity with the old trams of the colonial era).

Since time immemorial and until the late 1920s, Pyongyang was located on the eastern (left) bank of the Taedong River, but from the late 1920s the city crossed to the opposite bank as well.

In 1921, an airfield was built there, to be used by both the Japanese air forces and civilian planes which landed there for re-fueling on their way from Japan to China and back. This airfield, located roughly where the “embassies quarter” is now, remained in operation until the late 1950s, if not longer.

Pyongyang underwent a major industrial boom in the colonial era. Huge coal deposits were discovered around the city, so by the 1920s the mines of the Pyongyang area provided about a half of all coal produced in Korea. This economy of the era was largely an economy of coal and steel, so these mines attracted heavy industry.

The Mitsubishi Group built a large steel mill in Nampo, not far away from Pyongyang. Another major consumer of high-quality coal was the Imperial Navy ― and the ship engines of the era were very demanding when it came to the coal quality.

Pyongyang itself also had a number of smaller businesses, including textile and footwear factories. Their presence also meant a presence of powerful labor unions, so Pyongyang was a place of some of the largest strikes of the period.

For the Koreans of the colonial time, Pyongyang was a city of Christianity. Indeed, Protestants constituted up to 25-30 percent of its population.

In a time when nationwide the share of Christians did not exceed 1 percent, this was a truly remarkable figure. This implied a large missionary presence but also existence of first-class educational facilities: Protestant schools played a major role in introducing modern science and technology to Korea.

The result was strength of the nationalist movement then closely associated with Christianity. Contrary to what one might expect, prior to 1945 Pyongyang was a stronghold of the nationalist Right while the Communists position appeared much stronger in Seoul.

The city also boasted a number of museums, including a large archeological museum with the findings made during the excavations of the 1920s.

Not much is left of that city. Most of Pyongyang’s population left in 1945-53, fleeing either religious persecution by the new regime or U.S. bombing raids. These raids virtually wiped the city off the face of earth, so in the mid-50s Pyongyang was built anew without any references to the then rejected past.

A few historical monuments of ancient times have been restored (or rather built), but almost nothing has survived from the colonial era Pyongyang. Only the old Taedonggyo Bridge still crosses the river, handling a large part of very heavy Pyongyang traffic.


New Pyongyang management law aims at modernization

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES)
NK Brief No. 10-11-30

North Korea has recently revised the Pyongyang City Management Law in order to support ongoing modernization efforts by increasing the management and operational authority of the Cabinet and of the State Planning Committee. On October 21, the Cabinet newspaper ‘Minju Chosun’ ran an article emphasizing the need to ensure that necessary capital and supplies were guaranteed for the construction of 100,000 new residences in Pyongyang and now it appears the North is backing up this modernization drive with the law.

The legal code was revised in accordance with Order No. 743, passed down by the standing committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly on March 30 of this year, but was just recently made public in South Korea. What stands out in this newly revised law is that the central government has strengthened its hold on management and operations within the city.

Article 47 of the city management law states, “The Cabinet must naturally take control of and supervise Pyongyang management operations,” and Article 48 stipulates that the State Planning Committee and the Pyongyang People’s Committee establish and strictly follow detailed plans for each sector of management operations within the capital city. Article 47, of the former law (enacted on 26 Nov. 1998), which covered management projects within Pyongyang, was removed while five new articles were added. Article 17 covers housing construction, Article 27 covers management of street lighting, Article 43 covers the delivery of publications, Article 46 stipulates basic working conditions, and Article 51 guarantees that goods will be produced for Pyongyang markets.

Article 17 stipulates that “the construction of housing must completely guaranteed,” and Article 51 states that planning for and production of commercial goods for Pyongyang must be ensured “without fail.” Housing, goods, electricity, capital and other necessities for the modernization of Pyongyang have now been essentially legally guaranteed. New housing in the capital has been a priority for the North, with construction already underway and plans for 30,000 additional units next year and 35,000 more in 2012. In order to show off these new renovations day and night, Article 27 calls for the “logical installation of street lights” to brighten walkways, roads, and national monuments. The new legal revision appears to be yet another step toward shoring up the framework for establishment of a ‘Strong and Prosperous Nation’ and transition of power to yet a third generation of Kims.

The new law reinforces Pyongyang’s centrality in North Korea’s revolutionary ambitions, referring to the capital as “the home of Juche,” “the heart of the Korean people,” and “the face of the nation.”


DPRK workers in Angola

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

According to the Choson Ilbo:

The Agostinho Neto Center of Culture is a massive national park that the Angolan government is building on 12,000 sq. m of land in the capital city Luanda in memory of its first president. On Oct. 24, the entrance was firmly shut with a black iron gate. Through barred windows, three or four Asian workers could be seen: they are staff of North Korea’s Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies, which earns much-needed foreign currency for the regime from massive construction projects and monumental sculpture in the developing world.

Initially, the Agostinho Neto Center was commissioned to a Brazilian construction company, but work came to a halt until the North Koreans took over at the end of 2007.

The North Korean workers are living together in temporary wooden accommodation in a corner of the construction site. There are reportedly 100 to 120 of them in Angola. North Korea supported independence movements and civil wars of some African countries, and has been involved in some large construction projects there based on the diplomatic ties built this way. The North provided military aid to the side currently in power during the Angolan civil war and is reportedly building other parks and peace monuments in Cabinda and Huambo, one or two hours away by plane from Luanda.

The Daily NK reported North Korea has earned at least US$160 million in construction projects in Africa since 2000. A South Korean resident in Angola said, “Although North Korean workers only get minimum living cost from their government, they make additional money by working on smaller-scale projects locally when they have some spare time waiting for equipment or materials to arrive.”

One North Korean worker said, “When we go to the site for work, we sometimes get Angolan traditional congee called Fungi. It’s delicious. We eat better here than in North Korea because we can get rice from Chinese construction firms.”

In a predominantly black residential area in Luanda, there is a pharmacy run by a North Korean doctor in a shabby one-story building. “I work at a national hospital in the morning, and run this pharmacy privately in the afternoon. This is the only way I can make the ends meet,” he said.

According to a local source, there are about 180 North Korean doctors across Angola, including about a dozen in Luanda. There are also North Korean doctors in Mozambique and Congo, and some practice oriental medicine. At the pharmacy, acupuncture costs $80 for the first treatment and $40 thereafter.

Read the full story here:
N.Koreans Struggle for Hard Currency in Africa
Choson Ilbo
